
Envisioning a Path to an Inclusive Economy

What would it look like for our local economy to keep and circulate wealth and resources created? What needs to be in place to support the livelihoods of all workers? What is the roadmap to an economically empowered future for our communities?


Collaborative Strategy: Anchor Institutions

The role of government in creating anchor institutions to help develop community based economic development. This panel will unpack existing and potential policies local and state governments can enact to foster an ethical and sustainable local economy. We'll dive into questions like "How can local government pair investors with social impact projects?" and "what fiscal policies favor local business growth?"

Capital Raising & Investment

There is a funding gap that is becoming more evident as start-ups and small community-based businesses seeks ways to get their services and products off the group. Join us as we delve deeper with industry experts around Bay Area initiatives that seek to make capital raising and investment more accessible.

Making Green off the Greenery

Sustainability isn't just ethical, it's profitable. In this session, sustainable business experts will share insider information on how greening your business can boost your image... and your bottom line.

Non-Traditional Funding Models

In 2015 the State of Women-Owned Businesses Report called Black women the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs. In 2016, the State of Women-Owned Businesses Report, commissioned by American Express, stated that women are the fastest growing group in entrepreneurship, with the number of women-owned firms increasing by 45 percent between 2007 and 2016. And yet, women CEOs only see 3%. Women of Color CEO's see even less (at .02%). There are systems in place that do no support some of our most underrepresented populations and traditional funding cannot be all things to all entrepreneurs. Join us for conversation with organizations approaching this funding desert with innovative and community-based initiatives.

Environmental Justice Business Models

This panel will explore the intersection of the growing green economy and social justice enterprise. Green projects, from organic farms to solar installation companies, to folks recycling jeans into new fabric, are a booming sector. How can we as activists and entrepreneurs turn our passion into a thriving business that makes us green while preserving and protecting the greenery?

Economic Development & Workforce Agency: Defining Good Jobs

What is a "good job?" The Upjohn Institute for Employment Research defined “good” jobs as “jobs that will ensure a steady improvement in the standard of living for the middle class and that will offer a way out of poverty for low-income Americans.” Job creation is a common metric of the success of economic development endeavors. But not all jobs are good jobs, and an increasing number of jobs created today fall short: jobs with little opportunity for training or advancement and incomes that fail to provide stable livelihood or even the possibility of a comfortable life.

This panel of experts will explore current initiatives and organizations in the Bay Area working tirelessly to stimulate good job creation.

Tech Forces As Market Forces: Rising Tech Trends & Their Impact on Your Business

Market competition today is defined by technology. Current and near future advancements in artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and the internet of things are both threats and opportunities for today's entrepreneur. The right infusion of any or all of these tools into your business could provide a key advantage in your market. Or, if you ignore these trends you might spend years developing a good or service that a robot will be able to do faster by the time you open your doors. This panel was specifically added for those among us who need to better understand tech, so come ready to get your tech questions answered in plain English! 


Money Talks:  Mastering The Money Game & Achieving Financial Freedom

Achieving financial freedom is the goal for all entrepreneurs and self starters.  Learn how to increase your personal income while increasing your company’s profits.  Master wealth building concepts & personal money management, understand future savings the tax benefits available to you, establish accumulation vehicles, and create a financial exit strategy.  Whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or on that 40-hour work week grind, this workshop applies to you!  

Pitch Perfect: How to Pitch Yourself and Your Idea

This hands-on workshop will hone the elevator pitch for you and your business. What is your Unique Value Proposition? What is most engaging about what you have to offer? We'll help you to answer these questions and prepare to share your vision moving forward. 

Speed Advising: 30-Minute Consultations for new businesses*

Your one-on-one advising meeting with a knowledgeable business strategist is just one intake form away. Whether you are just starting out or planning for your next big expansion, these field experts are here and ready to give you a free consultation for the next steps!

*Speed Advising registration is now closed. 

Upping Your Game: How to Expand Your Market Presence Beyond Your Ten Best Friends
How do you level up your business and attract customers-- in addition to the ones who show support because they know and like you? In this workshop we will explore how to expand your consumer base beyond your personal network when growing a business using various marketing tools and introductory stakeholder analysis.

Lunch Sessions

Real Life: I'm an Entrepreneur 

Are you an entrepreneur? Do you dream of becoming an entrepreneur? Join us for a full discussion about the pitfalls and rewards of entrepreneurship at our roundtable conversation, network with passionate minds and learn about new business ideas while building community.

Cannabis Industry Landscape  

The cannabis industry is a booming. While the legal cannabis industry is now becoming a business opportunity for many people, it cannot be forgotten that, for decades, people of color have been disproportionately penalized and incarcerated for drug-related charges for what is not an emerging multibillion dollar industry. What organizations are paving the way to create equitable job opportunities for People of Color to tap into? How can we be smart and intentional consumers as we engage in this rapidly growing industry?